Microsoft secures $480 million HoloLens contract from US Army
The military branch could purchase up to 100,000 of the devices – read more

Project: Training in VR
A VR training simulator built within UE4 for Oculus. Includes fully dynamic weather, time of day and ocean which in turn make landing the helicopter that much harder. read more
Unreal Automotive Build in Munich
Build: Munich ’18, held on November 28 in the dual rock-concert arenas Kesselhaus and Kohlebunker, brought together more than 350 forward thinkers from the automotive industry including representatives from every major company. Topics included real-time ray tracing,

Virtual Production Showcase
MPC R&D demonstrate Genesis our virtual production platform live at Siggraph 2018. To see more of the technology MPC R&D create for our artists go to our website – mpc-rnd.com
Digital Humans in Realtime
Can tomorrow’s real-time digital humans reach a level of realism that’s indistinguishable from the real thing? Using artificial intelligence, deep learning, and Unreal Engine, Digital Domain is on a quest to achieve real-time digital facial performance for virtual production.
AR Case „Welcome to Marwen“
For Welcome to Marwen, the groundbreaking new film from Academy Award winning filmmaker Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump, Back the Future trilogy) starring Steve Carrell, Universal Pictures partnered with The Mill’s emerging technology team to build an Augmented Reality mobile device app, for the first time, transports users into the movie itself.